Amy Lynn Budd
Stage Director, Theatre Educator
She Kills Monsters by Qui Nguyen
Purdue University Theatre, 2019
Cloaked in allegory, sword fights, and copious 1990’s pop culture references, She Kills Monsters is a beast of a play that spears our hearts with magic and fierceness.
This production featured a 16' revolving mountain and two stage wagons, allowing the world of the game to permeate Agnes' everyday life. With permission of Qui Nguyen and Samuel French, Ltd., we replaced the narrator with an ensemble of teenagers that activated the space, giving the play to the audience through words and actions.
The costume design by Courtney Frederick was an MFA terminal project. Technical Direction MFA student Stephen Frausto contracted the mountain unit from wood, welded steel, cardboard, zip ties, and paper. Design of puppets was shared between costumes and scenery.

Violence Design and Choreography: Orion Couling
Scenic Design: Jeffrey Kmeic
Costume Design: Courtney Frederick (MFA Terminal Project)
Lighting Design: Daniel Taylor
Sound Design: Zackary Bennett
Music Composer: Jeffrey Sherwood
Technical Direction: Stephen Frausto
Final Dragon "Tiamat" Design: Katie Cardinalli
"Tiamat" Technical Designers: Elena Helvajian, Carena Stocker, Zachary Kovalenko
Master Electrician: Brady Alumbaugh